Product Introduction
1、The macire i appicable tocuing of varisusnermea materals by auitlrg die.
2、Ganiytrame stucuremade dprofie sleelleadopted,wih hign ntensty and wttout dafomation.
3、The cuting head can automtcally move horizontaly,wth excellent operatng vaual feld ard afeand relable operation.
4、The hydraulic systam speially designedis ratured by low noisn and lowai consumgtion.
5、Thelifing paslon ol pressing board can be freel set to reduce ide trave and emance work eficien- cy.
6、Themovement af cuning head iscontclled by aulomatc seed varaton to eslze fexie movemen wth hirh speodand accurate pasiioningand wthout mpact.
7、Diflerenfal ol way s adopted o alow apd and conwenient cuting.
8、Products ofspeda spooficatios can bo customizadCutting toroa,Cuting head slz8, wortabaslz8, au 5cleeding devee elc).